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Buy Finland Driver’s License


Get original registered Finnish driver’s license online. Model 2023 year. Valid up to 15 years. In Finland, the driving license (Suomi: Ajokortti Körkort) is a governmental right given to those who request a license for any of the categories they des…



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Buy Finland Driver’s License

Finland Driver’s License

Finnish driver’s license online. Model 2023 year. Valid up to 15 years. In Finland, the driving license (Suomi: Ajokortti Körkort) is a governmental right given to those who request a license for any of the categories they desire. It is required for every type of motorized vehicle. The minimum age to obtain a B category driving license is 18 years. In Finland, a driving license is also commonly used to prove identity, even though it does not have the official status of an identity card.

The categories of driver’s license are:

A – motorcycles and mopeds (Driving license categories AM, A1, A2, A),
B – cars, tractors and work vehicles (Driving license categories B, BE, W)
C – vans and trucks over 3,500kg (Driving license categories C, C1, CE, C1E)
D – buses (Driving license categories D, D1, DE, D1E)
CD – trucks and buses (Driving license categories C, C1, CE, C1E, D, D1, DE, D1E)
TMT – truck module (must have passed D test)
BMT – bus module (must have passed C test)

You can find all necessary information to place an order for driving license below:

Your surname:

Your given names:

Your sex (M or F):

Your date and place of birth:

License class:

Your address:

License number (optional):

Date of issue and expiration (optional):

Written signature in digital format (black ink, white background, high resolution):

Your photo in digital format (color, white background, high resolution):

Any additional information:


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