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Buy Italy ID Card Online


Buy original Italian national identity card online. Model 2021 year. Valid for 10 years. The Carta d’Identità Elettronica (Electronic identity card, CIE) is a personal identification document that replaced the paper-based identity card in Italy.



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Buy Italy ID Card Online

Italy ID Card Description

Italy ID Card online. Model 2023 year. Valid for 10 years. The Carta d’Identità Elettronica (Electronic identity card, CIE) is a personal identification document that replaced the paper-based identity card in Italy. The electronic ID card attests to the identity of the citizen. Furthermore, it is valid as a document for expatriation (in the States that accept it instead of the passport for Italian citizens and unless otherwise indicated on the card itself) and to identify itself in order to use services for which a document is required. of recognition (for example obtaining accommodation in hotels ) or requested by those who provide the service or sell a commodity to identify the buyer. The CIE can also be used to request a digital SPID identity and to access online services provided by Public Administrations. The identity card can be used inside the Italy and when travelling to any another EU country. New Italian Id Card order now

You can find all necessary information to place an order for ID card below:

Your surname:

Your given name(s):

Your sex (M or F):

Your date and place of birth:

Your address:

ID number(optional):

Date of issue and expiration (optional):

Your Weight (optional):

Your Height (optional):

Your Eye color (optional):

Your Hair color (optional):

Written signature in digital format (black ink, white background, high resolution):

Your photo in digital format (color, white background, high resolution):

Any additional information:

Please fill in the form above and attach required pictures and send the e-mail to info@buyexpressdocs.com to proceed with your order.


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